Musicstep thrives on an active feedback culture . The mutual giving of feedback is essential for the concept of musicstep . You will only receive feedback from other users about your track if you also give feedback to other users. This is necessary to enable all users to get feedback. We therefore have a few rules for creating feedback. We ask you to observe these rules in the sense of a constructive community.
- Feedback should be honest : your feedback on other tracks should be your honest opinion. A “like-for-like” culture does not add any value to you or other community participants.
- Feedback must not be hurtful: musicstep rejects all forms of discrimination, hatred or agitation.
- Constructive feedback should be created carefully: feedback should always be created carefully. Feedback can only carefully be if the track was heard in a sufficient length. Sometimes listening to a track multiple times is useful.
- No spam: non-constructive feedback to unlock functions like “Rocket my Track” is prohibited. This includes the submission with self-created additional users.
If we have reason to believe that feedback violates these guidelines, we reserve the right to block the feedback. If you have any questions about a ban or to report feedback, contact us via